Platts Gas and LNG Summit 2018

26 October 2018


The future for storage in Europe

Platts 2018: 12th Annual Gas and LNG Summit

London, 17-18 October 2018

Platts organized its “Platts Gas and LNG Summit 2018” in London last week. This year was already the 12th time. Several key speakers headed the discussions about the current state of the European Gas market, and the likely directions for the medium term. Will the coming winter be anything similar to last year’s? We only have to remember the unexpectedly harsh weather late in March in the UK…

Ewout Eijkelenboom from KYOS spoke about the role of gas storages at this conference. What is the future for owners of gas storages?

Trends in Europe

picture gas storage GermanyEurope is actively looking for other – notably more sustainable sources of energy. The production of wind and solar is growing – albeit slowly, and not as fast as the demand for electricity is growing. Also, the fluctuations in production of wind and solar are known drawbacks. It is therefore essential that there is enough flexibility in power production to overcome the drawback and assure stability in delivery.

A solution for stability are the use of gas storages, and increasing the supply of LNG.

What is the future of gas storage?

Let’s face it – the business case for gas storages over the last decade was downright negative. The question is: will there still be a future for gas storages? Ewout highlighted in his presentation the current volatilities and forward storage market values. He showed that the energy production mix will change even more in the coming years.

Ewout and the audience agreed unanimously about the take-away message: with declining domestic supplies and expected strong demands  for flexibility- the outlook for gas storages could be positive. – but it will be on the longer term.

If you are interested to see his presentation, see here slide deck used at the Platts Gas and LNG Summit 2018

Free access to KyPF for 1 year

This year we are celebrating our 10 year anniversary. And we have a little birthday gift for you – we are offering free access to our KyPF model for use within the European power markets! Take advantage and profit a year long from our software and expertise. See for yourself how easy it is to define your own scenarios. For more information and to sign up: KYOS 10 year.