
Get the most our of your Montel data! KYOS offers various software modules, all tailored to your needs. We seamlessly integrate Montel data with the advanced models of our KYOS Analytical Platform:

Price Simulations and Analytics

KYOS offers unique software for measuring portfolio risks in energy and commodity markets. The risk analytics include Value-at-Risk, Cashflow-at-Risk and Earnings-at-Risk. Read more >

Optimization and Valuation

KYOS offers fast and accurate solutions to value flexible assets and contracts in energy markets, such as power plants, gas storage facilities and swing contracts. Read more >

Portfolio and Risk Management / CTRM

Does your company have a significant exposure to commodity prices? Then KYOS has a cost-effective solution for your daily management. The KYOS CTRM offers a detailed insight in your exposures, expected cash-flows, Mark-to-Market and more. Read more >