Closing of Coal-fired plants expensive and counterproductive

Emission rights and the impact on global warming According to the climate conscious backbone of Dutch political parties VVD, GroenLinks, D66 and CDA – parties that as we speak are conferring about forming a coalition-government – coal-fired electricity plants have to close as soon as possible. According to Cyriel de Jong, this is harmful populism…. Read more »

Flame 2017 presentation Power of Storage

Flame 2017: Natural Gas and LNG Conference As last year, the city of Amsterdam hosted Flame 2017, which took place from 8-11 May 2017. Flame is one of Europe’s leading natural gas and LNG conferences. It is the largest annual meeting of this organization. Normally this event has a good attendance, and also this year… Read more »

Presentation Energy Portfolio Optimization – Düsseldorf

Energy Portfolio Optimization & Electricity Price Forecasting Forum – Düsseldorf This conference on Energy Portfolio Optimization and Electricity Price forecasting was held in Düsseldorf, Germany on 5 and 6 April 2017. Over the course of these two days, 30 speakers shared their ideas and case studies on topics such as risk assessment, price forecasting, hedging strategies,… Read more »

Hedging and Portfolio Optimization Summit Presentation KYOS

Presentation KYOS on Evaluation of dynamic hedging strategies at Annual Intelligent Hedging and Portfolio Optimization Summit, Amsterdam 2017.

Enterprise Risk Management needs to be developed in utility companies

Two articles on Enterprise Risk Management from Energy Risk describing how ERM needs to be developed in the energy sector.

KYOS’ Presentation E-Mart 2017: How can conventional generation survive?

At Emart 2017, Cyriel de Jong from KYOS held a presentation in the session on Power Price Drivers: “How can conventional generation survive in Europe?” He showed how fundamental models help to forecast future power prices and power plant profitability.

EU legislation will boost financial trading in sugar

As a result of new EU legislation, the minimum sugar price will disappear. This means that floating contracts will replace traditional fixed price contracts.

Cointegration between power and fuel prices stronger than ever

KYOS calculated that in the German market the speed of cointegration between power and fuel prices increased. This is contrary to the common belief that power prices become less dependent on fuel prices due to the renewables penetration.

Higher spot price volatility: improved outlook for gas storage value

In the last months the economic outlook for gas storage improved. The value of a gas storage depends largely on the volatility in the spot market, which increased substantially in the last months. When current market circumstances prolong, the outlook for gas storage improves significantly.

Energy Power Risk Management Journal: to Store or not to Store?

This article by Cyriel de Jong and Kasper Walet describes the optimal operation and valuation of natural gas storage based on a real option methodology.