Journal of Energy Markets: Gas storage valuation using a multi-factor price process

29 January 2012

Journal of Energy Markets, 2011

Cyriel de Jong (KYOS) and Alexander Boogert

Gas storage valuation using a multi-factor price process

kyoptvalIn this paper we discuss an extension to a popular gas storage valuation method called the spot approach. Least-Squares Monte Carlo, which is the basis for the spot approach, allows for multi-factor price processes. Such price processes can capture more realistically the actual price behavior present in energy markets. In this paper we demonstrate the application of multi-factor Least-Squares Monte Carlo to gas storage valuation. We study the impact of using multi-factor price processes on different aspects of the valuation such as convergence, average storage value and distribution of storage values in a numerical example. We find a counter example to the idea that an increase in market volatility leads to an increase in storage value. As well, we find a counter example to the idea that the natural hedging strategy of the spot approach is no hedge: a simple static financial hedge can reduce the inherent risk of the spot approach. Finally, we study the impact of model error related to the price process.

Gas storage valuation software

This paper is based on the methodologies that are implemented in the KyStore software. KyStore can be used for pricing, risk managing and optimizing gas storage assets or contracts. For more information about KyStore, click here.

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